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Saturday, October 15, 2011

Louis Braille 1809-1852

For the picture, write your name using the Braille alphabet (written dots).

Louis Braille is the inventor of Braille, which is for anyone who is blind or seeing impaired. It is a way to read and write using a system of raised dots for letters and numbers. The Braille system was officially recognized in 1854, 2 years after his death.

He was born in Coupvray, France. He became blind from an eye infection which happened after an accident with one of his father's tools. By age 5 he was fully blind. He went to a blind school at age 10. He was frustrated with the limitations of the reading materials available as well as not having a system for writing the letters.

At age 15, he used an awl, the same tool which had blinded him, to create raised dots for his new system of reading and writing. He got his inspiration for a Captain in the French army who showed him a system of dots used to share top secrets that could be read in the dark. It was very difficult to follow, but it made him begin to think. Eventually he helped create a Braille typewriter to speed up the process of writing.

He had an ear for music and was a cellist and organist. He also developed a system for writing music using Braille.

In the early 1800's the steamboat and steam locomotive are introduced as ways of travel. America doubles its territory by making the Louisiana Purchase from France. The Battle of the Alamo happens in Texas. Davy Crocket is one of the heros. This is pre-civil war...each new state is established as either a slave state or a free state. The Underground railroad is developed. Andrew Jackson, Van Buren, Polk, Taylor, and Filmore are the presidents during this time.

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