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Thursday, June 26, 2014

Land Animals, Zoology 3, Lesson 1

Careers with animals: all about horse careers, all about becoming a veterinarian

I have included a fun video about a guy who gets to experience the life of a zookeeper for a day...enjoy!!!

Vocabulary Words We Encountered: Ungulates- animals with hooves, Habituation- getting animals used to people, Zoonotic diseases- illnesses transmitted between animals and people

One person that worked on habituation was Jane Goodall. Here is a photo of her working with a chimpanzee. She lived among the chimps and they became very used to her presence. She was then able to observe them for many years in their natural habitat and even develop a friendship with them.

What do you think about the hamster and the snake living peacefully together? Watch and see!!!

How about the Leopard with the baby baboon?

Can you imagine the day when "the lion will lay down with the lamb"? It will be very exciting to see the earth restored to it's original creation.