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Monday, November 10, 2014

zoology 3: Lesson 7 Rodentia and the Rest

"rodere"- to gnaw; "dent" -teeth


"Beaver dams may be good for nature, but why do beavers build them? In short, a dam creates a body of water that makes a relatively safe neighborhood for a beaver family. Since beavers are very good swimmers but fairly slow on land, deeper water creates a habitat where they can find more protection from bears and other predators.
Beavers are nocturnal but they don't spend all night in the ponds or slow-moving streams created by their dams. Instead, they build lodges -- houses where a beaver couple and their children live. Beavers gather sticks, mud, rocks and other available materials to shape these mound-like structures. A group of lodges forms a beaver colony and houses multiple beaver families." taken from How Stuff Works

Beaver Lodge


Fox Squirrel

The largest of the rodents: Cabybara

Prairie Dog

Other animals in chapter 7

Sunday, November 2, 2014

New World Monkeys...Platyrrhini

"Platy" means "flat" in Greek. These monkeys have flat noses with the nostrils pointing out toward the sides of the nose.

The two that we discussed were the marmosets and the tamarins.

The pygmy marmosets are the smallest monkeys in the world



Strepsirrhini (wet nosed): Lemurs, Bushbabies, Lorises, and Aye-ayes.

Aye-Aye (Chiromyiformes)

Loris (Lorisformes)

Lemur (Lemuriformes)

Bushbaby (Lorisiformes)

Haplorrhini (dry nosed)

(Tarsiiformes) Tasier

Platyrrhini: The New World Monkeys

These are arboreal- live and spend most of their time in trees, and most
have a prehensile tail



Saturday, November 1, 2014

Saturday, September 20, 2014

More Carnivora...chapter 3

We are still studying the Order Carnivora. Here are some more families in this order:

family: Ursidae (Ursa is the Latin word for bear)
Brown Bear

Black Bear
Polar Bear
Sun Bear
Giant Panda

family: Mustelidae (weasel family)






family: Mephitidae (mephit- foul odor)

family: Procyonidae

Red Panda



Thursday, July 31, 2014

Mark Twain

Read book: Who Was Mark Twain

Scrapbook: Follow the timeline, pictures, and facts on the following link:

Read: The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County

Creative Historical Interview Essay: (IEW)

1. Think about possible topics:
      what did Mark Twain do?
      what was happening in History during his life?
      what might he have cared greatly about?

2. Out of these questions-pick 3 topics that you think would be good
      a. who, what, why, when, how
      b. consider what Mark Twain thought about his banned book: Huck Finn, or what he thought         about the civil war, slavery, life on a riverboat.....

3. Outline

4. Write a five paragraph essay
     a. background info (birthdate/other miscellaneous info not chosen as main points) goes in intro
     b. Most significant topic noted in the conclusion

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Land Animals, Zoology 3, Lesson 1

Careers with animals: all about horse careers, all about becoming a veterinarian

I have included a fun video about a guy who gets to experience the life of a zookeeper for a day...enjoy!!!

Vocabulary Words We Encountered: Ungulates- animals with hooves, Habituation- getting animals used to people, Zoonotic diseases- illnesses transmitted between animals and people

One person that worked on habituation was Jane Goodall. Here is a photo of her working with a chimpanzee. She lived among the chimps and they became very used to her presence. She was then able to observe them for many years in their natural habitat and even develop a friendship with them.

What do you think about the hamster and the snake living peacefully together? Watch and see!!!

How about the Leopard with the baby baboon?

Can you imagine the day when "the lion will lay down with the lamb"? It will be very exciting to see the earth restored to it's original creation.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Lesson 11: Echinoderms

Sea Cucumbers

Sand Dollars

Sea Urchins


Brittle Star

Sea Stars

Monday, February 3, 2014

Lesson 9: Mollusks

Bivalve and Gastropod Fun

Bivalve Anatomy

How to Blow a Conch Shell

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Watercolor Painting

Watercoloring Technique Examples in finished artwork:

Example of landscape in watercolor:

Drawing and Painting a horse with Jan Brett: