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Sunday, September 30, 2012

Friday, September 21, 2012

Human Anatomy ch. 3 Muscles

"Strengthening your stomach muscles is an integral part of staying in shape. According to, by strengthening your core you improve your stability and balance as well as become stronger with everyday physical activities. By strengthening your abs, you can also help improve your posture, as a strong stomach allows your body to transfer force from your lower to your upper body. You don't need special equipment to strengthen your stomach muscles and you can have a routine that fits your strength level and build up to your goals slowly." (, Dec. 2010)

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Human Anatomy ch. 2, Human Skeleton

Learn how to draw a skeleton. Follow along with a pencil and piece of paper. See how you do.

To quiz yourself on what you remember about the human skeleton, try this link.....