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Saturday, January 2, 2010

Amos Fortune...Freeman


Amos and Violet's tombstones

Written on Amos' tombstone:

"to the memory of Amos Fortune, who was born free in Africa, a slave in America, he purchased liberty, professed Christianity, lived reputably, and died hopefully"

The book we read on Amos Fortune is fictional history. Not much is known about his early life other than he was a slave from Africa. The families mentioned that he lived with were real people. Amos did become a free man at the age of 60 and lived as a tanner in Jaffrey. He bought and married Violate and they adopted Celyndia. The 25 acres that he bought still has his house and barn. Look at the Google map below. Move the hand around to locate "Amos Fortune Rd.," which is located in Jaffrey, New Hampshire (do you remember where the state New Hampshire is?). Even though all the details of the book are not completely true, I think from what we do know to be true, Amos Fortune lived an amazing life.

Here is a link to a page with pictures of Mount Monadnock. This was the view that Amos Fortune saw in Jaffrey, New Hamshire.

Amos Fortune...Tanner

Amos Fortune was a tanner. We read that he needs access to trees so he can use the bark to tan the hides that he sells. Lets do a little research into how that process works.

This is another method that can be used...

That was a LOT of WORK!!! No wonder leather can be so expensive. Do think that Amos did a good job? What part of the story helps you answer this question?